Halmstad University, School of Information Technology

Halmstad University

Work at a University where different perspectives meet!

Halmstad University adds value, drives innovation and prepares people and society for the future. Since the beginning in 1983, innovation and collaboration with society have characterised the University's education and research. The research is internationally reputable and is largely conducted in a multidisciplinary manner within the University's two focus areas: Health Innovation and Smart Cities and Communities. The University has a wide range of education with many popular study programmes. The campus is modern and well-equipped, and is situated close to both public transportation and the city center.

 More information about working at Halmstad University: https://hh.se/english/about-the-university/vacant-positions.html

The School of Information Technology

Halmstad University consists of four interdisciplinary Schools and the current position is located at the School of Information Technology (ITE). ITE is a multicultural school with around 130 employees from 20 different countries. It is a strong research and education environment, with focus on smart technology and its applications. Students and researchers are working with everything from AI and information driven care to autonomous vehicles, social robotics and digital design. ITE offers education on all levels, from undergraduate to PhD education, plus education for professional. Research is conducted within aware intelligent systems, smart electronic systems, cyber physical systems and digital service innovation. These four areas constitute the four technology areas of ITE . An innovation centre for information driven care called Leap for Life is connected to ITE, as well as a collaboration arena for electronic development, Electronics Centre in Halmstad (ECH).

More information about the School of Information Technology: hh.se/ite-en

Appointment as Associate Senior Lecturer is a qualifying appointment with the purpose to give the employee a possibility to promote to Senior Lecturer. Appointment as Associate Senior Lecturer is for four years. "Associate senior lecturer" corresponds to "Assistant professor" in US english. 

The recruited person will be expected to teach up to 20% and do research at least 80%, within one or several scientific projects. Research activities will depend on competences and interests, but are expected to build upon our existing portfolio.

The availability of data related to the patient journey is changing rapidly in healthcare. Information-driven care will make use of all this data, together with data analytics and machine learning, to improve the healthcare system. There are still challenges to address, from pure machine learning challenges to the transformation into an information-driven healthcare system.

Topics of interest (but not limited to):

  • representation learning
  • eXplainable AI (XAI) and other topics related to Trustworthy AI
  • large scale data analytics (eg. federated learning)
  • machine learning using multi-modal longitudinal data (e.g. patient trajectories)
  • privacy preserving data mining and machine learning
  • graph-based techniques and graph neural networks (GNN)
  • NLP and large language models (LLM)

This position will be associated with the Information-driven care research program and the CAISR Health research profile.

A few examples of our research projects can be found below:

The recruited person will be a valuable person for advancing and giving master level courses. The person will also be involved in the Graduate professional development program (second-cycle courses targeted at the business sector). The recruited person will be of great help in supervision of bachelor and master level students as well as assistant supervision of PhD students.

Principal duties
The duties will be:

  • To undertake data mining and machine learning research in one or several of the application domains where the university conducts research
  • To contribute to academic publications and conference papers (where appropriate leading on these)
  • To contribute to report writing

- The applicant must hold a doctoral degree in Artificial Intelligence/Data Mining/Machine Learning/Information Technology or closely related fields.
- The applicant must demonstrate a strong, currently active research profile in the above topics of interest.
- The overall scientific production should be extensive in high quality research journals.
- Good knowledge of English is a prerequisite.
- The applicant should share the value that diversity and equality among researchers and teachers brings higher quality to research and education.
- Experience in teaching in higher education.
- Pedagogical training in teaching in higher education.
- An Associate Senior Lecturer position requires that the doctoral degree was awarded within five years of the application deadline(parental leave, sick leave, or other similar circumstances will be accepted as an exception to this time frame).

For appointment as an Associate Senior Lecturer, the following assessment criteria will be applied:

  • Ability to conduct research of high international quality in artificial intelligence, specifically data mining and machine learning
  • Documented experience from research in collaboration with industrial partners and/or interdisciplinary teams
  • Ability to conduct high-quality teaching and to develop courses at different levels
  • Experience in supervision of master / PhD students
  • Ability to attract external funding
  • Dynamism, curiosity, independence, creativity and good teamwork
  • Willingness to address opportunities and challenges within AI, machine learning and data mining

Salary is to be settled by negotiation. The application should include a statement of the salary level required by the candidate.


Applications should be sent via Halmstad University's recruitment system Varbi (see link on this page). 
How to design your application  

For further information, please contact Stefan Byttner(Stefan.Byttner@hh.se).

General Information
We value the qualities that gender balance and diversity bring to our organization. We therefore welcome applicants with different backgrounds, gender, functionality and, not least, life experience.

Read more about Halmstad University at http://hh.se/english/discover/discoverhalmstaduniversity.9285.html

Information for International Applicants
Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea what we have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit:

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment 2023-08-01 or as soon as possible
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Halmstad
County Hallands län
Country Sweden
Reference number 2023/29
  • Stefan Byttner, +46729773601
Union representative
  • Camilla Soto, ST, 076-6087233
  • Anniqa Lagergren, OFR, 072-9773745
  • Olov Andreasson, Saco-S, 072-9773748
Published 17.Apr.2023
Last application date 14.May.2023 11:59 PM CEST

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